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Telehealth and The Digital Divide: Two Lessons Learned in 2020
COVID-19 highlighted issues surrounding telehealth and digital divide. As society turns to the internet for civic and business transactions, those without internet access — or without the skills to use this access — are at a disadvantage.
Recording Medical Visits: Things to Remember
Recording medical visits can be done, but proper planning is needed to avoid risks. We should be familiar with the laws that regulate the recording of conversations. Many patients record medical visits without the consent of the physician, and there is not much we can do about it.
Understanding the Telehealth Consent
The telehealth consent is an important tool to educate patients about the benefits and risks of a telehealth visit. It is also an opportunity to address privacy and security. Despite not being required in all states, the telehealth consent is consider a best practice.
Telemedicine and the Patient-Physician Relationship
The patient-physician relationship remains a keystone of healthcare. This relationship must be established before the provision of telemedicine services. The Federation of State Medical Boards has guidelines for the establishment of a valid relationship via telemedicine.
AAMC Working Towards Telemedicine Competencies
In 2016 the American Medical Association adopted policy to encourage the integration of telemedicine education and training in the medical curriculum, and in 2019 the Association of American Medical Colleges created a telemedicine competency work group to research and develop competencies for telemedicine education. However, there are a number of barriers to telemedicine education that need to be addressed.
Incorporating Telemedicine Education in the Medical School Curriculum
There are unique barriers to incorporating telemedicine competencies to the existing curriculum: a busy schedule, limited institutional and financial resources, lack of experienced faculty and lack of available telemedicine curriculum. This article highlights 3 ways to incorporate telemedicine into the curriculum.